

The premier project management education and certification company in the world that relies on their website to reach and sell classes.


Velociteach is powered by online sales and they need a development partner who will keep them moving forward as their business grows. They came to us with a design to boost their product sales page, we just needed to build the features and functionality to match.



👉🏻 Application Integration
👉🏻 WooCommerce
👉🏻 WordPress


Bad User Experience

User-experience extends beyond the frontend that your customers sees, it's the backend that your business has to use. The courses were previously hard to read with a wall of content and on the backend it was a lot of duplicate information. We needed to change that for everyone


Centralizing Information

After reviewing the information needed on each page, we identified duplicate information that could be formatted and placed in one centralized location. This allowed for consistency on the customer side and ease of use on the backend. Additionally, we utilized the WordPress tag functionality to make easily note key selling points in the Add to Cart box

Photo of Bill Yates

Executive Vice President

Bill Yates

Chris and the Classic City team have been very responsive, make the effort to understand our customer and business needs, have a structured approach to managing work flow, and they communicate exceptionally well. Great experience—highly recommend!

Unique Challenge

Aging Website

As ongoing partners, we knew the challenges we faced with an aging site, but we could not foresee all the roadblocks that came in our way. We were quick to alert the client of issues and made sure that communication was open and transparent so that expectations were properly set and achieved.


Exceptional Customer Experience

Customers can quickly and easily, view product features, read testimonials from former students, and select the course duration that is right for them. The Velociteach Team can also easily add and tag courses to offer bundled packages and promotions.

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