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Why Curated Content Matters

Content is king because it makes you click. Yes, it is a marketing cliche: content is king.  Clicks measure the digital conversation between producers and consumers.  And content drives clicks.  From click-bait headlines and listicles to white papers and investigative journalism, the web is always hungry for more. More to read. More to watch. More…

Content is king because it makes you click.

Yes, it is a marketing cliche: content is king.  Clicks measure the digital conversation between producers and consumers.  And content drives clicks.  From click-bait headlines and listicles to white papers and investigative journalism, the web is always hungry for more. More to read. More to watch. More to like. More to click.

Increasingly, the online market asks companies to produce not just products and services, but also prose and stories.  However, small businesses are focused on building out procurement or hiring their first team lead.  So adding regular content publication on top of that can be a real struggle.  But that’s where curated content can work magic.

Choosing to curate can help you outsmart the pressure to publish.

Curated content is material shared from other sources.  The editorial selection of good material reflects professionalism and commitment to our industry (and our clients).  Thanks for how the internet works, links back to other companies’ websites actually boost traffic and search engine rankings for us both.

Search engines like Google are common gateways to the vast store of information online.  They depend on links to indicate reliable information.  The more sites links back to an article, the more credibility that article presents in the eyes of a search engine algorithm.  Some of that credibility also rubs off on the referring site as well.

Credibility comes from technical + brand links to other industry leaders.

Re-sharing content from outside sources helps your readers wade through the sea of online information. The magic of search engines’ love for links also means both the sharer and the source benefit.  Providing context positions you as a thought leader. When curated content is paired with original material, everyone wins.

For example, Sarah the admin for a film festival, is responsible for publishing a “Best of Fest” listicle that highlights top movies from other festivals around the world.  She links to internal pages on their own site, which explain each festival and she re-shares press releases or feature pieces from those festivals.

At a technical level, each site gets a boost because search engine rankings are reinforced by hyperlinks across sites. At a branding level, each site gets a boost because readers can recognize each festival is doing its due diligence to stay on top of their game.

Here within Classic City Consulting, I love multi-purposing content so clients like Sarah can easily build momentum and credibility with curated content. As a member of several film festival selection committees, I witness the accelerated prestige and ranking impact of cross-promotion. Connect with me to learn more about how to use curated content to build your influence and streamline your publications.

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