How can I multiply content through my podcasts?

(This is part 2 in a 6-part series on podcasts – if you’ve ever considered starting your own podcast, or know someone who has, let’s explore together!) What is content multiplication? Have you ever wondered how your favorite influencers have time to have a YouTube channel, a podcast, and a blog that updates weekly? Not…

(This is part 2 in a 6-part series on podcasts – if you’ve ever considered starting your own podcast, or know someone who has, let’s explore together!)

What is content multiplication?

Have you ever wondered how your favorite influencers have time to have a YouTube channel, a podcast, and a blog that updates weekly? Not only that, but they are active on four different social media platforms? It sounds overwhelming and like a ton of work! 

We all know how important it is to get our message out to the world so that people will see us, engage with our content, and opt in to our products and services, but how are we supposed to create content for all of these different platforms and still run our business? The secret to success is content multiplication. Content multiplication is the art of taking one piece of content and sharing it across multiple platforms. 

Reuse your content

You don’t have to come up with new content for every different platform that exists! You can simply take one piece of content and reuse it for all of the different platforms that you want to be active on. 

Spend less time creating content

This will allow you to spend less time creating content and more time building your business. This will also allow you to spend more of your time developing content for the platform that you enjoy the most. If you are a podcaster, you can simply create your podcast and use that podcast to filter through your other channels. As a podcaster, speaking most likely comes naturally to you. Focus your efforts on developing content for your podcast with the idea of repurposing that content in blogs and social media. 

How can I create blog posts with my podcast content?

A blog post is a great way to repurpose the content of a podcast. A blog is merely a written form of an audio podcast. Blogs are a great way to repurpose a podcast because many people don’t have time to listen to an entire podcast, but they’d love to quickly read a blog to get the main information. 

Blogs are also a great way to increase search engine optimization (SEO) on a website. People will get to your site because your post has answered the question that they needed answered. 

A blog post based on a podcast can be written in many forms. Here are three ways that you can repurpose content from your podcast:

Transcribe your podcasts 

One way to utilize your podcast is to transcribe your podcast. Transcription services exist that will dictate a transcription of everything that is said in your podcast. You can then take your transcription and use it as the basis for your blog post. Depending on how long your podcast is, it may be worthwhile to edit your transcript down to a more palatable version for readers. Also, make sure to add headings into the post to denote what each section is talking about specifically. Remember that people don’t always read a blog word-for-word, so it’s important to break posts into chunks to keep the reader’s attention. 

Get quote cards 

Quote cards are a great way to create simple blog posts that are easy for readers to enjoy. A blog doesn’t always have to be in longform. Short blog posts keep readers engaged with your content and will keep you at top of mind. 

To make great quote cards, choose a few quotes from your podcast and either expound on them or relate them to each other, so your reader has bite sized content to enjoy.

Take topics from the audio and expound upon them in separate blog posts

Another way to utilize the content of your podcast is to use topics in your podcast as a springboard for new ideas. There may be parts of your podcast that you couldn’t quite say everything you wanted to say, or you just thought of something new after recording. A blog is a great way to add these new ideas into the conversation. Who knows, you may find that you have so many thoughts on the topic that it becomes enough content for a new podcast episode! 

How can I create social media content with my podcasts

Social media is a great place to let your audience know about your longer content forms. Most social media platforms are designed to give your audience bite-sized content as they continue to scroll through other content. Here are a couple of great ways to utilize your podcast on social media.

Quote the Guest

Use quotes from your guests as social media content. This allows you to highlight your guests, let people know what’s happening on your podcast, and puts new thoughts and thought leaders in your feed. This is a great way to engage with your audience, but is also a great way to reach new audiences. Follows of your guest may see this content and begin to engage with you more because of it.

Audio Clips

Utilize key audio clips in your social media content to both educate, inspire, and entice your audience. People want to follow accounts that add value to their lives, so make sure that your clip makes sense as a stand-alone piece of content. People also want to be inspired to grow and develop, so try to find content that pushes people forward. Lastly, utilize audio clips on social media that entice people to want to learn more. This will encourage people to make sure to listen to your podcast so that they can learn more.

Prep content for your guest

Help your guest to promote your podcast on their social media accounts. Most guests would love to tell their audience that they were featured on a podcast. Give them a schedule, a time to post, and all of the assets that they will need to let their audience know how to listen to the episode. This will help them to gain credibility as an expert and will also draw more viewers to your podcast. 

Grow your business through content multiplication. Take your ideas and channel them into one format that can later be redistributed into many forms. This will help your audience to better engage with your content and also allow you to reach people on a variety of different platforms.

    Want to dive deep into your site? I’d love to chat.