Using Your Marketing Hub  Website to Drive Results

In the final installment of our series on using your website as a marketing hub for your business, we’ll discuss driving results. While online success may ultimately look different for everyone, the fundamentals will apply to most cases regardless of vertical or goals. Our definition for succeeding with your website means improved efficiency in your…

In the final installment of our series on using your website as a marketing hub for your business, we’ll discuss driving results. While online success may ultimately look different for everyone, the fundamentals will apply to most cases regardless of vertical or goals. Our definition for succeeding with your website means improved efficiency in your day-to-day, content that captures online traffic, and an experience that satisfies searcher intent. 

Identifying KPIs and Set Up the Right Analytic Trackers

Understand how the web adds value to your business

Adapt online KPIs from your business plan and ensure that metrics are in place to track your success. Whatever performance indicators benefit your brand’s mission should be the focus of your marketing hub website. Data analytics are only a way to directly calculate the value of your site if the information you collect corresponds with your goals.

Use tools beyond google analytics

Google Analytics spreads a broad net that is a great foundation for understanding how users behave on your website. As you start to get a sense of what information is most beneficial for your sales and marketing strategy, you can integrate specialized tools that help tell a more detailed story. Consider Woopra for your customer journey, Clicky for real-time traffic, or Hotjar for customer feedback and other insights.

Respond to findings

Gather all of your data and identify where you have the most opportunity to grow. Once you’ve determined where you’re losing potential connections you can adapt your web presence to better suit your goals. 

Create Visibility and Cohesion for Your Brand

Map your whole buyer journey

Begin laying out your site map by putting yourself in your buyers’ shoes. Certainly, your website should direct your audience toward taking actions that support your work. However, your prospective clientele will be focused on their goals more than yours. Think step by step through your potential buyers’ process, from discovering your brand exists to becoming a happy and loyal customer.

Ensure your site map addresses each step

Take your mapped-out buyer journey and cover all of its bases with landing pages that speak to each stage. Having an understanding of your audience’s goals allows you to provide them with catered solutions that build trust and encourage further action. A proactive approach to design will help reduce missed opportunities as your website builds traction online.

Connect all pages to their corresponding platforms (Google, Instagram, Youtube, etc.)

Based on your marketing strategy, link your digital efforts to the landing pages you’ve created. When you create content/materials (both online and offline!), make sure your website is there to give your consumers an opportunity to learn more about your brand. Even further, design pages that serve the intended audiences for these avenues. Sharing your URL is as important as your phone number.

Articulate How You Help Your Audience Succeed

Relate landing pages to traffic sources

To piggyback on the above, write web copy that speaks directly to the primary audience for your advertising and content creation. Targeted language bolsters your SEO strategy while strengthening your ability to make a deeper connection.

Funnel traffic from point A to B

When writing web copy, especially for landing pages, introduce the next step in the traffic conversion process. Let your audience in on how you intend to provide solutions for them and increase specificity and terms of art as your funnel brings your buyers closer to making a purchasing decision.

Generate leads and close sales

You’ve learned how users interact with your website, designed a web presence that speaks to and supports your target audience’s goals, and created captivating content for them. Now, convert them into leads by making it clear why their search has ended and they’ve found the right solution for the problem they’re solving. It’s no time to be shy! Express all of the advantages to working with you and provide the right CTA’s to connect decision-makers with the right products or members of your sales team to seal the deal.


We hope that this brief introduction to web practices will help you convert your website into a marketing hub for your business. While these tips merely scratch the surface, nailing the basics will ensure that your long-term goals have a strong ground to stand on. We encourage you to keep in mind that web work takes time. As your project grows beyond your current bandwidth, we hope you’ll keep Classic City in mind. Our team is here to support your growth! Reach out to us and tell us about your brand!

    Want to dive deep into your site? I’d love to chat.