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Why You Need a Video Strategy

Let’s just dive right in: You need a video strategy online. Now. Let me explain. In case you haven’t noticed, video content is everywhere. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter all have video capabilities. Twitter and Facebook have launched their own live video platforms. This shift changed when smartphones began including video capabilities. I remember the first…

Let’s just dive right in:

You need a video strategy online. Now.

Let me explain.

In case you haven’t noticed, video content is everywhere. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter all have video capabilities. Twitter and Facebook have launched their own live video platforms.

This shift changed when smartphones began including video capabilities. I remember the first iPhone that included video. It was the iPhone 3GS, and I knew then that it was a game changer.

Soon after, people began posting their newly captured moments to Facebook. Not long after that, national news agencies began using user-submitted videos as an integral part of their daily stories.

Capturing video is easier than ever. Gone are the days of capturing footage on a tape video camera, converting it to digital, and editing it. You can shoot, edit, and post a 60 second video in less than 10 minutes.

Video is here to stay, and you desperately need a video strategy.

But why? Why is a video strategy so important? I’m glad you asked.

1. It tells your story

Yes, images can tell a powerful story. Unfortunately, those images can’t tell a complete story like video can. Video gives you the opportunity to clearly communicate the story of your company: your purpose, your mission, your vision, your distinctions. Your story is what draws people to your brand and separates you from your competitors.

2. It makes you relatable

Most everyone knows that it is easy to manipulate an image to tell a story, but a video can convey your personality. People hear you speak, see your facial expressions, and connect with you more quickly. Being relatable is crucial to being trusted, and trust is what turns people into raving fans.

3. It allows you to educate people

More than likely, you have a certain skill set or knowledge that most people do not have. Leverage what you know to teach people. When you teach people something useful, you add value to them. And adding value is a great way to connect with people.

4. It’s easy

Capturing and broadcasting video seems to get easier with each passing day. There is literally no excuse these days for not using video in your online presence. Using an iPhone with the free iMovie app, you can shoot a great video and edit it quickly. You can even post it directly to your social media accounts from your phone.

Now that you realize you need a strategy, we will discuss how to develop that strategy. But you need to come back next week for that.

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