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Evergreen content saves you time and generates organic word of mouth online.

How Evergreen Content Saves You Time

A common myth about content publication says you always have to publish something new. But “evergreen content” is a cornerstone for successful website presence. Evergreen content is timeless and fresh for readers, regardless of the publication date.  And the revolving doors of site visitors, search engine results, and ranking adjustments means your post could be […]

Javascript code lines

Why RSS Email Marketing Makes Work Easier

Multitasking isn’t a real human phenomenon. We just switch back and forth really fast, and our brain tires quickly. It can take 15 minutes to reset! So it’s crucial that we get the most out of each task. That’s why RSS feed email marketing campaigns can be so valuable: they automatically pull new content from […]

5 Ways To Make Your Video Content Great

Over the last 3 weeks, we have discussed the importance of a video strategy, how to develop that strategy, and what tools you will need to execute the strategy. Now that you are an expert on all of those topics, let’s talk about something incredibly important: creating great content. I’ll be honest: this topic goes […]

Focused video camera looking at two people in a park out of focus with purple and orange overlay

The Tools You Need For Video

So far in our series on video content, we have discussed why you need a strategy and how to develop a strategy. These posts are important for today’s post. If you haven’t read them yet, please do so now. Why am I asking you to read the first 2 posts before this one? Simple: you […]

Old video reels with clapboard on top

Developing a Video Strategy

Last week, we talked about the importance of a video strategy. In case you missed it, you can click here to read it. Hopefully you now are beginning to understand why your business needs a video strategy. But it does not just end there. The next step is to begin asking questions to develop a […]

Camera lens close up

Why You Need a Video Strategy

Let’s just dive right in: You need a video strategy online. Now. Let me explain. In case you haven’t noticed, video content is everywhere. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter all have video capabilities. Twitter and Facebook have launched their own live video platforms. This shift changed when smartphones began including video capabilities. I remember the first […]

Multiple laptops, tablets, and smart phones side by side

Increasing the Importance of Responsiveness

Responsiveness refers to a website’s ability to expand and collapse depending on the size of the screen it is displayed on. This will be a vital concept in web design as mobile devices claim an ever increasing share of internet use. Consider a site you visit frequently. When you are on a mobile device, it […]

Football strategy laid out on chalk board with X's and O's

How to Create Advertising Campaigns in Google AdWords

In our last series post in ‘How to Advertise on Google’ we discussed keywords. At this point in our series, you have now created all of the pieces needed to start advertising on Google. Now, let’s go over the final piece: putting all the parts together and launching a campaign on Google AdWords. When setting […]