

Their web presence was dated and needed some TLC


We partnered with one of our partners on this project. PG was their client and they needed some assistance coding things out in WordPress to make things easy to update later down the road



👉🏻 Web Development
👉🏻 WordPress


Unique Design

We were brought in after the design phase was complete. This meant that we had to work with new design elements and build out specialized custom blocks that controlled the HTML structure.


The Right Tools

This client was particular on not having an abundance of options at their disposal (as well as a design that didn't mesh with core-Gutenberg well). To hit those requirements, most of the blocks were custom Gutenberg blocks so we could have full control over the HTML and only expose the necessary fields to the end-user.

Unique Challenge

Responsive Experience

The mobile and desktop views of the site were fairly unique. We had to use CSS Grid on a lot of custom components to ensure we could move elements around the way the designer intended them for the experience that they wanted their users to have.


Elevated Presence

The final product is a website featuring subtle animation and engaging features that makes PlanGap's website stand out among its competition.

Tell Us About It

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Schedule a call with our Client Success team and let us know where you can use some help.