Lead Developer

Daniel Cowan

Daniel Cowan removes obstacles, "unsticks what's stuck." Like electrical conduction, he finds the points of resistance and removes anything impeding momentum. He enjoys trouble-shooting for folks that felt like things were moving and then, suddenly, they weren't. When opportunity struck, he and his family traveled the country by RV for over 12 months, more deeply connecting with each other and with the world around them.

Web Basics: Development

Part 4 in the Series, Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project Introduction So far, in our series Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project, we have discussed Discovery, Design, and Content. In this post, we’ll take a deeper look at the Development Phase, and answer some common questions that clients […]

Web Basics: Content

Part 3 in the Series, Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project Introduction “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou Creating content for your website may be the single most vital part […]

Web Basics: Design

Part 2 in the Series, Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project Introduction This post is part two of a six-week series called Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project.  These posts are targeted at business owners, marketing or web directors, or just the person in the office who was asked […]

Web Basics: Discovery

Part 1 in the Series, Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project Your company needs a new website, and you’re in charge of making it happen. But how do you know what to expect throughout the project? What is expected of you? How do you know if you’re doing a good job as […]