Category: Blog
Why It Takes B2B Companies So Long to Launch a New Website and How to Fix That
Yes, your website and brand need to stand out from the crowd, like appearing unique in a crowd of magazine covers on the shelves of your favorite store. However, businesses often let aesthetic and design perfection get in the way of progress. I often see a full website redesign project get stuck in the design…
How To Build a New Team For Your Company
As an agency owner, you’ll reach a point when your clients start asking questions about services that are tangential to your primary service offerings. You now have a decision to walk through. Is this new service: Before making this decision, I highly recommend reaching out to your team of advisors and walk through it with…
Does Your Digital Marketing Company Do Internal Reviews?
I know that when I go a period of time without talking to someone important to me that I feel out of the loop. It doesn’t matter whether it is a personal friend of mine (who I haven’t caught up with recently) or a business acquaintance (and I’m curious as to how a new initiative…
Best Small Business Website Examples
The best website for your small business can be a challenge to envision. Every small business has different needs, which should be reflected in their web presence. When we audit or design a website for a client, we are always thinking about what their goals are and what success looks like for them. Below are…
The Best Website For Small Business
Over the next couple of months, Classic City will be offering our insights about how to create the best website for small business. Small business owners face a never-ending list of decisions and challenges, so our hope is to demystify some of the more common questions and concerns that come our way. Our goal for…