

Confluence is a branding and architectural design firm whose client, Level5, needed a new website to showcase their portfolio, allow clients to contact them, and explain the work they do.




👉🏻 Web Development
👉🏻 WordPress


Bad User Experience

Their old website was not designed with users in mind and was difficult to navigate.


Website Restructuring

Taking their unique design, we build a website that organized the content and simplified the user experience.

Unique Challenge

Dynamic Map

To better organize their Portfolio items, we added a dynamic map where users select the region they are interested in seeing which filters the list to only show projects in that area. This made it easier for users to find projects relevant to them.


User-friendly website

Taking the time to understand the user's pain-points and plan out content placement, gave Level5 a new website that was beautiful and user-friendly.

Tell Us About It

Does Level5's Problem Sound Familiar?

Schedule a call with our Client Success team and let us know where you can use some help.