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6 Qualities Necessary to Create a Strong Business Partnership

Partnering with the right person or company provides more innovation, resources, skill sets and perspectives to scale your business and maximize wins. Good partnerships can help your business succeed. In fact, one of the best ways to scale your business and maximize wins is to form partnerships with the right people or companies. Partnering can […]

Experts Only When You Need Them

When growing a business, digital marketing slowly becomes a larger priority. Sales begin as referrals, but eventually your network ends up exhausted. As a founder, you know you need to start putting yourself out there more often, but don’t know where to begin. Leading the Team When you get to this point in the growth […]

Using Web Content in Your Sales Process

Your website is a “24/7 salesperson.” Though an old cliche, the phrase’s initial meaning has morphed over time.  Businesses used to be able to get by with simply showcasing the products they offer. Now, the market is flooded with options. Having a simple brochure website doesn’t allow your business to stand out in the marketplace. […]

What Platform Should I Use for my Entrepreneur Website?

(This is the final blog in a 4-part series on solo entrepreneurship – if you’ve ever considered starting your own business, or know someone who has, let’s explore together!) What are my options for website hosting? You’re putting the pieces together – you’re doing the work! Now you need a great website. First of all, […]

team members discussing website design and online marketing

Should I Use My Name or a Company Name?

So you’ve got a great idea that you really think is going to work. You’ve asked the right questions, connected with the right people. Now you need a name! Well, you already have a name. And it’s what you’re already building your personal brand around anyways. So why bother with coming up with a company […]

Why Do I Need a Personal Brand?

(This is part 2 in a 4-part series on solo entrepreneurship – if you’ve ever considered starting your own business, or know someone who has, let’s explore together!) A personal brand is similar to your reputation – just more professional and purposefully cultivated. You already have a reputation, and if you’re going to be a […]

I Have an Idea For a Solo Venture. Where do I Start?

(This is part 1 in a 5-part series on solo entrepreneurship – if you’ve ever considered starting your own business, or know someone who has, let’s explore together!) First of all, good work getting this far! You’re not settling for the easy path – you want to really make an impact.. And you have an […]

Web Basics: Development

Part 4 in the Series, Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project Introduction So far, in our series Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project, we have discussed Discovery, Design, and Content. In this post, we’ll take a deeper look at the Development Phase, and answer some common questions that clients […]

Web Basics: Content

Part 3 in the Series, Web Basics: How to Crush Your Next Website Project Introduction “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou Creating content for your website may be the single most vital part […]