Tag: CTAs
How to Improve Multiple Product Options
Creating a website that converts visitors into customers is as much about design as it is about content. In this guide, I’ll share simple, actionable aesthetic tweaks to optimize your website for better conversion rates. Being too uniform hurts conversion One of the main issues I observed is the overuse of similarly sized and weighted…
Website Functionality and Integration Questionnaire
A website redesign involves tackling many factors, making preparation key to success. That’s why we’ve compiled our comprehensive website design questionnaire—a vital tool in our discovery process. This guide addresses everything from decision-makers and design inspiration to technical integrations and SEO benchmarks, ensuring every aspect of your redesign is accounted for.
Mistakes Websites Make With Calls to Action
One of the most critical aspects of your website is the Calls to Action (CTAs). These little buttons and links can make or break your online success. Think of them as the Jed Bartlet of your website—when done right, they lead the way like a true leader. Here are some mistakes websites make with their calls…