_Style Guide

This is the Classic City core style guide. All available blocks are listed below.


Call to Action

This is a completely custom block. There is a custom post type (hiding underneath the Posts dropdown menu) called CTA. Write out the fields in ACF. Then, drag the Call to Action block on a page and select the post you want to use.

Our Deliverable

Your Audit Document

I wanted to give you a quick glimpse into the audit document our team has been preparing. We have 50+ questions we want to go over with you and your vendors to ensure you know what your systems are capable of and can therefore make wise decisions on the order in which you should tackle your three primary areas in 2023.

Card Text

Custom block. This is a repeater block that allows you to populate cards with text and a button on them.



I wanted to give you a quick glimpse into the audit document our team has been preparing. We have 50+ questions we want to go over with you and your vendors to ensure you know what your systems are capable of and can therefore make wise decisions on the order in which you should tackle your three primary areas in 2023.



I wanted to give you a quick glimpse into the audit document our team has been preparing. We have 50+ questions we want to go over with you and your vendors to ensure you know what your systems are capable of and can therefore make wise decisions on the order in which you should tackle your three primary areas in 2023.

Container with Overlap

This is a custom block that allows you to drag other blocks inside of it. The content will always be “contained” inside of it, even though the color background spans the full-width. You can choose a color as well as a position (top or bottom). Please keep in mind what content you place at the top/bottom. Whatever block is “hanging” should have a solid color background to ensure legability.

Here is a header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ac feugiat ante. Nullam blandit sagittis massa ac maximus. Curabitur massa nisi, laoreet ut molestie in, ullamcorper ac augue. Mauris non elit nisl. Nulla eu risus augue. Ut euismod elit augue, sit amet sagittis leo tincidunt sed. Proin commodo sit amet libero sed ultricies. Aenean eget tempus lacus, non pretium sem.

Cras in feugiat ex. Morbi efficitur nisi non quam placerat, sit amet auctor turpis ultricies. Suspendisse et lorem ut eros facilisis hendrerit ac eget elit. Sed facilisis sem non interdum malesuada. Morbi eget odio tincidunt, placerat lectus vitae, porttitor urna. Suspendisse non dapibus nisi. Praesent sodales nisl quis urna porta molestie. Aliquam nunc quam, malesuada vitae nisi nec, varius ultrices purus. Integer lacinia, arcu non sollicitudin molestie, metus enim fringilla tellus, rutrum maximus lectus felis non ex. Praesent posuere condimentum urna, vitae viverra augue viverra quis. Phasellus aliquam dui odio, id posuere risus ultrices molestie. Nam eget dui vel orci cursus pharetra sed sit amet lectus. Aenean viverra ultricies quam in sagittis. Maecenas consequat ante non mauris tincidunt, at convallis neque vulputate.

Our Deliverable

Your Audit Document

I wanted to give you a quick glimpse into the audit document our team has been preparing. We have 50+ questions we want to go over with you and your vendors to ensure you know what your systems are capable of and can therefore make wise decisions on the order in which you should tackle your three primary areas in 2023.

Fifty Fifty Block

Custom block that allows you to drag Gutenberg blocks inside of it. You have two default options:

  1. Arrangement: Left or Right (which side the image is on
  2. Image: Upload the image you would like to be on the side

You can then place content on the opposite side. Make sure you upload an image that is the appropriate ratio. This block should be used with the Full Width setting, however, the backend of Gutenberg doesn’t like some of the spacing. I’d recommend editing it in Normal width, and when done, making it Full Width.


Title of Section

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ac feugiat ante. Nullam blandit sagittis massa ac maximus. Curabitur massa nisi, laoreet ut molestie in, ullamcorper ac augue. Mauris non elit nisl. Nulla eu risus augue. Ut euismod elit augue, sit amet sagittis leo tincidunt sed. Proin commodo sit amet libero sed ultricies. Aenean eget tempus lacus, non pretium sem.

Cras in feugiat ex. Morbi efficitur nisi non quam placerat, sit amet auctor turpis ultricies. Suspendisse et lorem ut eros facilisis hendrerit ac eget elit. Sed facilisis sem non interdum malesuada. Morbi eget odio tincidunt, placerat lectus vitae, porttitor urna. Suspendisse non dapibus nisi. Praesent sodales nisl quis urna porta molestie. Aliquam nunc quam, malesuada vitae nisi nec, varius ultrices purus. Integer lacinia, arcu non sollicitudin molestie, metus enim fringilla tellus, rutrum maximus lectus felis non ex. Praesent posuere condimentum urna, vitae viverra augue viverra quis. Phasellus aliquam dui odio, id posuere risus ultrices molestie. Nam eget dui vel orci cursus pharetra sed sit amet lectus. Aenean viverra ultricies quam in sagittis. Maecenas consequat ante non mauris tincidunt, at convallis neque vulputate.

Praesent pellentesque risus non ultrices pulvinar. Praesent est lorem, mattis sit amet condimentum sit amet, euismod quis ipsum. Integer auctor faucibus eros, sit amet aliquam ipsum egestas nec. Quisque neque felis, posuere eget scelerisque ac, tempus quis massa. Curabitur sit amet hendrerit felis. Donec et lectus a nunc ornare laoreet eu vel magna. Cras rhoncus cursus mi sed condimentum. In at lacus leo. Aenean condimentum quam in elit mattis, eu ultricies ante ultrices. Sed vestibulum bibendum justo, at malesuada risus facilisis sit amet.

Nam a vestibulum arcu. Proin tincidunt ac libero a dictum. Sed aliquet nulla quis faucibus efficitur. Nullam eu varius dui. Vestibulum rhoncus nulla in sodales consectetur. Nam egestas faucibus volutpat. Nunc et justo laoreet nisl maximus malesuada. Ut lorem augue, maximus vel metus sed, luctus varius est. Ut feugiat tristique luctus. Aliquam hendrerit nulla augue, id rutrum leo condimentum sed.

Icon Background

Custom block. There are two core fields:

  1. Columns: The quantity of columns it should output
  2. Color: The background color of each page (recommended: White)

There is a repeater field that allows you to input:

  1. Label: The title of the pod
  2. Icon: Font Awesome HTML snippet (use version 5.x and the Solid style)
  3. Description: Paragraph description (can accept HTML)
  4. Link (optional): Page to link to. Please use a link on ALL rows or NONE of the rows. The sample will show why you should not mix them.

Here is a Label

ksadj fklsad fskajd fkajd fk;ljd fkasljdf sald fasm,ndf asj,df askuidjf as;ikofj as;kdfj ask;dfj ak;dfjas k;dfja dfi;uas di;fuasv df;iuasd fi;asj dfkasj dfsamdnf asm,ndf asmdh fasik;dfu as;idfh asjldf asmdfnasm,dfna sljdf asi;duf asi;dfh asljdf asjldnf aslmndf m,adn fasdh filajdh f

Here is a Label

ksadj fklsad fskajd fkajd fk;ljd fkasljdf sald fasm,ndf asj,df askuidjf as;ikofj as;kdfj ask;dfj ak;dfjas k;dfja dfi;uas di;fuasv df;iuasd fi;asj dfkasj dfsamdnf asm,ndf asmdh fasik;dfu as;idfh asjldf asmdfnasm,dfna sljdf asi;duf asi;dfh asljdf asjldnf aslmndf m,adn fasdh filajdh f


Double Header

Custom Block

Add Block by typing /double and click on Double Header. Click the edit button and fill in the fields.

Small Header

Large Header

User Pod

Custom Block

Drag the User Pod block within a column. This block pulls custom ACF data from the User’s actual profile (Photos 1 -4) as well as the custom “avatar” field which should be a transparent PNG.

Photo of Chris LaFay

Chris LaFay


Chris’s goal in life is to conduct connection and bring heart to every interaction in life. He puts humans above to-dos. He consistently brings the band back together, leveraging long-term relationships across a swathe of experience to empower career transitions, life event pivots, and, ultimately, an incredibly versatile, flexible, and creative team for his clients.

Photo of Dawn Audano

Dawn Audano


Dawn Audano connects the dots, a committed minimalist who strips projects down to their most essential—and therefore, efficient—elements. She makes space for creatives to engage meaningfully with the task at hand, cutting to the heart of the matter. With experience in radio, film, event planning, and motherhood, she expertly juggles the details and enjoys handling the tiny pieces that can make or break the flow of ideas.

Photo of Daniel Cowan

Daniel Cowan

Lead Developer

Daniel Cowan removes obstacles, “unsticks what’s stuck.” Like electrical conduction, he finds the points of resistance and removes anything impeding momentum. He enjoys trouble-shooting for folks that felt like things were moving and then, suddenly, they weren’t. When opportunity struck, he and his family traveled the country by RV for over 12 months, more deeply connecting with each other and with the world around them.

Oversized Icon

HTML Gutenberg Blocks

Add a block by typing /oversized and select Oversized Icon. This is just an HTML block that has a Font Awesome icon in it. Leave the containing DIV tag there, but swap out the <i> tag with a FontAwesome Duotone icon.

Image Text

Thin Icon Pods

Custom Block

Add a new block by typing /thin and select Thin Icon Pods. This will accept a FontAwesome HTML icon, Title, Description, and Link URL. Ignore the Columns field for now, but keep it to two or three items per repeater.


Custom Block

Type in /Tab and select Tabs. You can then fill out all fields to have a tabbed browsing experience. You should have an H2 above this section for hierarchical purposes.

This is the SEO Title

as k fed fkdsj faked fog reiuwoeurqiw dasd and a,sd amnsd a dags dfiey foul aosuf aos aos da doa kdasj fewjg wir ewifh asnf msdnf asmd ,asj fweoug wog asjfd asnf sdfj woeg oeuf asf a,sda,d wgreog askdf aksd

Website Development

ie ker kj lej rq fald af mxnc vmxnc bdih periywoe rqw daksf mnsv cmxv badly eir wie rast ach das vs, d vadpfweougr ekgj kj.asm ca.s dpeif woug skjd ms clajkdf skjd

Color Callouts

Gutenberg Blocks

This can be customized quite a lot. This is just a simple Group with a background color. Block name is Color Callout.

Small Callout Text

Header #2 In Callout

Remember. You can make either of the headlines a Paragraph or a Header. If you want to use a Paragraph but make it look like an H2, just add. the CSS class h2. (The other header-based CSS classes can be implied). If you need to remove the top margin, just add the CSS class has-topper. Some simple paragraph text that goes in this callout section as well. Here is some more basic, simpajsdle text that will go in this callout. Some simple paragraph text that goes in this callout section as well. Here is some more basic, simple text that will go in this callout.

Simple Columns

Gutenberg Blocks

Add Block by typing /Simple and select Simple Columns. This is formatted for an Image, H3, Paragraph and Button. Make sure all the images you upload are the same ratio.

Here is some text for this section

lass aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sollicitudin eleifend condimentum. Sed sollicitudin condimentum posuere. Donec non justo eu lacus suscipit suscipit et at magna.

Here is some text for this section

lass aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sollicitudin eleifend condimentum. Sed sollicitudin condimentum posuere. Donec non justo eu lacus suscipit suscipit et at magna.

Here is some text for this section

lass aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sollicitudin eleifend condimentum. Sed sollicitudin condimentum posuere. Donec non justo eu lacus suscipit suscipit et at magna.

List With Line

Gutenberg Lists (it’s also included in some custom blocks/page templates as well)

Attach the CSS class ccc-list-line to the core Gutenberg’s Bulleted List block. If you link the whole list item, a cool animation will happen

Without Links

  • Bold First Line
    Push shift-enter once you’re done typing in the BOLDed text to keep this text within the bullet
  • Pushed Enter and Bolded
    Shift-enter again to type in more text below

Small Description

  • Bold This First Line
    Push shift-enter once you’re done typing in the BOLDed text to keep this text within the bullet
  • Pushed Enter and Bolded
    Shift-enter again to type in more text below

Steps Rows Split

Custom Block

Add Block by typing /step and then chose Steps-Rows-Split. Click Add Row and fill out Fields.

This is the small header

This is the Big Header

This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step.

Exploring Needs

This is the description of the sub step. This is the description of the sub step.

Crafting Your Plan

This is the description of the sub step. This is the description of the sub step.


Structure & Design

This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step. This is the description for the main step.

Project Timeline

This is the description of the sub step. This is the description of the sub step.


This is the description of the sub step. This is the description of the sub step.

Homepage Wireframe

This is the description of the sub step. This is the description of the sub step.

Images with Flair

Gutenberg Block

This is automatic. Drop a Columns block on the page (preferably two columns). In one column only drop an Image block. The appropriate flair will be added. In the opposite column, add whatever Gutenberg content you’d like.

Pod with Icon Callouts

Gutenberg Block

Add Block by typing /pod and then chose Pod with Icon Callouts. This is an H2 tag at the top (in a Custom HTML block due to the FontAwesome icon), three columns, each with a FontAwesome icon in an HTML block (with the color already selected – make sure you keep the surrounding <div> and choose a Duotone FontAwesome icon.


While every business is different, there are three foundational types of automated sequences every B2B company should have in place and update as needed.

Regularly remove email bounces.

Why keep emails that are bouncing in your system? They’re not getting through to your audience anyway and they can throw up flags with email servers. Whenever you send an email to your database, delete any bounces.

Annual review and updating.

Most CRMs already have settings to let you know when a record can be categorized as “unengaged.” Develop an automated 2-email sequence that can be triggered on an annual basis to anyone who has not opened or opened an email or visited your website in 12 months. The sequence should provide some sort of free offer to get them to re-engage. If they don’t respond, archive them.

Make the CRM a key part of someone’s job.

There needs to be one person who is ultimately responsible for keeping the CRM up to date. If it’s everyone’s job, it’s really no one’s job. This person should receive support from the rest of the team in this effort, but they should understand that it is a part of their job to keep the CRM data clean and up to date.

Fifty Fifty

Custom Block

Add Block by typing /fify and then chose Fifty Fifty. This is a custom block, but it allows you to drop any Gutenberg blocks on the “content” side. You can upload an image (please have the image subject matter center-aligned vertically and horizontally) and choose which side you’d like the image to be on for the Desktop view. The code will take care of mobile completely.

Here is a title

a,ms dan sdman sdas dlaks dlaks daksd ajsdasd paisdp asid apisdp asid alksd asjd a,msd ,as daksd paisd paks dlas dams das dlaksdpasid paisd oej wkr ,w rwmn masn dajs dapskd aljsd akj fqeoif woef jsd alkd qief wojfs akf aksmd a,msd aief o qwirqpwir alsj dasd alks dalks dlkas dqiwpefqpwif qpsj asm, fams fams d,ams dlaksd ai pqiwd spask dlams dams d,ams d,ams doqief pei flask fasm da sdklasd

Here is a title

a,ms dan sdman sdas dlaks dlaks daksd ajsdasd paisdp asid apisdp asid alksd asjd a,msd ,as daksd paisd paks dlas dams das dlaksdpasid paisd oej wkr ,w rwmn masn dajs dapskd aljsd akj fqeoif woef jsd alkd qief wojfs akf aksmd a,msd aief o qwirqpwir alsj dasd alks dalks dlkas dqiwpefqpwif qpsj asm, fams fams d,ams dlaksd ai pqiwd spask dlams dams d,ams d,ams doqief pei flask fasm da sdklasd

Dot Matrix

Custom Block

Add block by typing /matrix and selecting Dot Matrix. Chose a style option from the dropdown.

Project Slider

Custom Block

Add Block by typing /projects and then chose Projects.

Project Single

Custom Block

Type in /Project and select Project Single. This will allow you to select a Project that has already been put into the system and will style it using the same design at the Image Multi Caption.

Transamerican Auto Parts

A diverse company with several out-of-date websites looking for a custom template to use across all brands.

Transamerican Auto Parts (TAP) has multiple brands that specialize in different divisions of the car parts industry. They came to us needing a website template that could be customized for each brand and would create an improve the user experience from the customer size and be easy to edit by their TAP marketing team.

Image Multi Caption

Custom Block

Type in /Caption and select Image Multi Caption.

Small Text Here

Some short description about what we were able to accomplish for this client.

Here is something a bit longer-winded. It’s really cool when it does this and that. But it’s even better when sometimes you place some text in this section right over here even though it might get a little lengthy.

Portfolio Pieces

Custom Block

Type in /Portfolio and select Portfolio Pieces. You can select as many Portfolio Pieces as you’d like.


A Worship School that needed to enhance their web presence.


AutoZone came to us needing a new blog site built quickly that would allow for updates overtime.

Cync Health

Cync Health was in the process of building out their website and found that they needed helping bringing it over the finish line.

Elite Outdoor Lighting

A growing business with big ideas for their digital marketing strategy

Evangel University

Evangel was looking for a long-term partner who could grow with them as they used their website more-and-more as a tool for growth.

Lighten Group

Lighten Group is a threefold team of writers, media specialists, and speakers that creates written blogs, videos, and podcasts.

Slab Dream Lab

Slab Dream Lab’s products allow kids and adults to build and imagine with the largest, strongest baseplate system for Lego®.

Form Styling

Get In Touch

Blog Post

Core Styles

These are not reusable blocks. This just shows the default styling for all content across the board. Anything that requires a CSS class will be noted.


Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6


Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tristique lacus eu nunc iaculis aliquet. Sed at aliquet urna. Maecenas nec felis dictum felis sodales porttitor. Sed sit amet feugiat libero, eget vehicula justo. Suspendisse at feugiat sem. Nulla molestie laoreet augue sit amet viverra. Curabitur tortor eros, mattis ultrices orci condimentum, efficitur commodo augue. Mauris sed justo pulvinar, condimentum magna nec, bibendum massa. Cras mattis ultricies metus et sodales. Nulla commodo est eget ante consectetur molestie. Morbi vel vehicula mauris, ac luctus nibh.

Aenean odio quam, lacinia quis purus vel, facilisis pretium nibh. Phasellus a nulla auctor, accumsan ligula at, viverra odio. In ut ipsum risus. Donec porta maximus diam, ac rutrum orci hendrerit id. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam vitae vestibulum nulla. Cras rhoncus consequat pretium. Nam nisi arcu, bibendum sed metus in, finibus consectetur libero. Aenean purus velit, euismod ac justo nec, tempus consequat augue. Phasellus bibendum lacus at consectetur elementum. Cras id magna at lectus placerat laoreet. Phasellus a lacus posuere, gravida urna sed, imperdiet tellus.

Phasellus sapien augue, tincidunt quis pharetra non, mattis eget ligula. Pellentesque volutpat orci felis, fermentum gravida mauris viverra sed. Donec vitae erat non neque blandit interdum. Phasellus ac nunc lorem. Ut vestibulum quam eu metus aliquam, nec tristique turpis faucibus. Aenean volutpat accumsan metus at efficitur. Integer justo nibh, laoreet vitae vehicula sit amet, feugiat in ante. Phasellus venenatis, nibh in congue ultrices, ante enim vulputate leo, ut convallis felis ligula vel elit. Etiam laoreet nibh vitae risus accumsan lacinia ac ut lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut mollis est non rhoncus eleifend.


As the text inside of each button, I have written out the CSS class to apply at the Button level to make the size correct. Each button, I have used a different background and text color.

Ninja Forms

Create Forms on the backend of WordPress. (Left Sidebar)

Add Ninja Form by typing /Ninja and click on Ninja Forms. Then chose which form you want to display from the dropdown menu. Add ccc-hide-title to the Ninja Form block to hide the title and “dashed” line on the side (aka. make it look simpler)


Core Gutenberg Block

You can add one of the following three CSS classes to change the color of the arrow:

  • is-primary (default/unnecessary)
  • is-gray
  • is-white

This Is a Quote Block.

Here is where you would write the caption

Single Projects Sample

This is the Link for Sample Project

Question #1 / 21

How immediately can your website help your audience address the pain points you resolve?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #2 / 21

How quickly does your UX allow your audience to act once they’re hooked?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #3 / 21

How well is your website’s content strategy/messaging creating urgency for your clients?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #4 / 21

How completely can your website’s tech stack handle your workflow?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #5 / 21

How elegantly does your user experience demonstrate your understanding of your audience?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #6 / 21

How quickly does your messaging bring everyone up to speed on your solutions?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #7 / 21

How confident are you in using the tools to build/support your vision for your website?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #8 / 21

How clearly is your vision for problem-solving expressed and shared?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #9 / 21

How clearly can your vision be repeated back to you?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #10 / 21

How completely have you automated your web processes (if applicable)?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #11 / 21

How much value does your website add for your own team?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #12 / 21

How thoroughly does your website guide your audience through their pain points?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #13 / 21

How well do your website’s features engage with your audience and provide them with value?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #14 / 21

How easy is it for your audience to use your website to advance in their journey?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #15 / 21

How easily can others connect with your sense of victory?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #16 / 21

When people take actions, how accurately do the necessary events get triggered for next steps?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #17 / 21

How easy is it for your website’s users to take actions?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #18 / 21

How clear is it what the call to action is and what the expected outcomes are?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #19 / 21

How completely are you tracking internal/external KPIs to know that you are succeeding for your clients?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #20 / 21

How well does your website represent you as a winner in your vertical?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Question #21 / 21

How clear is it for your audience to understand what success and failure look like?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

You’re Done

Now let’s get your results
